Some beautiful publicity shots of the Famicom itself and
the hardware assembly line.
主力工場である宇治工場では清潔な環境の中で検査を中心にきびしく品質管理をする。絵が出ないゲーム機が店頭にないのは、このような人々の努力があるからだ。 |
Game Machine Manufacturing Process
Game system components are brought to Nintendo's
headquarters in Kyoto from affiliated assembly plants all over
the country. Since game systems are computers containing high-density
and highly-integrated ICs and LSIs, even a single speck of dust
can cause a malfunction.
At the main factory in Uji, quality is strictly
controlled through inspections in a clean environment. A game
machine which fails to produce a picture will never appear in
a shop thanks to the efforts of the people at these factories.
Hideki Konno, an assistant director (fancy title for "map
A couple of mystery images. The bottom one is World 2-4, apparently;
the top...? |
And this is the World 5 pirate ship. |
アシスタント・ディレクターの紺野秀樹さんは、手塚さんに協力しながら、全体の調整に気を配らねばならない。つくるとちゅうでつぎつぎに出てくる変更を、予定のわくの中にうまくおさめることができるかどうか、いつも苦心している。 |
The hand that guides changes in the project
One year passes quickly for a producer. With
this project, he is constantly wondering whether he really can
have it finished by winter the following year.
The assistant director, Mr. Hideki Konno, in
cooperation with Mr. Tezuka, has to manage the whole project.
They are constantly taking pains during the project to accomplish
the desired changes, one after the other, while struggling to
fit all of the changes into the planned timeframe.
Hmm, it looks like FDS disk games aren't programmed automatically,
but instead are plopped into copiers one-by-one. Can this be true? Oh, well,
Nintendo employs a veritable army of middle-aged ladies to do the manual labour;
I guess they don't mind the tedium too much.
Below we can see the FDS game Replicart
having its labels applied.
ゲームソフトのディスクは、週刊マンガを紙袋につつみこんだようなものだ。袋ならあけて読むことができるが、ディスクはあけずに機械に入れると、コンピューターが読みとってテレビ画面で絵を見せてくれるしくみになっているものだ。 |
Disk Manufacturing Process
Building a disk
Game disks are software that can be packaged
in paper bags similar to weekly comic books. However, while a
comic can be read normally once the bag is opened, the disk must
be put into the machine so that the computer can read it and show
a picture on the television screen. |
These "copy verification stations" are pretty cool.
I'm sure nobody has ever seen these devices before. Nothing can be seen on
their screens, but I imagine the machines verify a newly-made cartridge (orange)
against a master copy (white) and spit out discrepancy information on the
screens. Knowing Nintendo's habits, I'm sure that what's inside the big blue
boxes doing the verification work is Famicom hardware.

工場で働く人の数は、日によってちがう。検品するソフトが多ければ人もふえる。検品は一こ一こ機械にかけて、動くかどうかを確認しビニール袋につめていく。すべて手作業。 |
Games are tested for perfect duplication.
If one looks at a 10 yen coin, one can see that
the characters for Japan, 10 yen, and an old Japanese building
have been stamped onto the coin. This building is called Byodo-in
Phoenix Hall, which still stands along the Uji river.
This same Uji is where Nintendo's Uji factory
is located. In 1983, because of the Famicom boom, production could
not meet demand no matter how many systems and games were made.
Once things reached a situation where Famicoms
could not be bought at shops without pre-ordering them, the Uji
factory was built. A maker has the responsibility to supply products
to those who ask for them. However, if the boom dies down, the
factory that had been built at great expense may also become unnecessary.
A factory cannot be closed down just because it is sitting idle.
It is no small thing to establish a new factory.
At this factory, the bulk of the work consists
of inspecting and checking parts supplied from affiliated factories
all over the country.
Factory Work
The number of workers at a factory changes with
each day. If there are many games to inspect, more workers will
be called in. An inspector checks each game one-by-one whether
it will start up in the machine and then puts it in a plastic
bag. It is a completely manual task. |
Here are the warehouses full of cases of identical boxed
games, ready to be shipped out (in this case, around Japan.)

Some mystery boxes... Yep, this one's Pro Wrestling. |

And this is Super Mario 3! |
But what are these two? |
海外むけ製品の検査も同じだ。ゲームボーイなどは、ハンマーでたたいて強度やショツクヘの耐久性なども調べる。こどもはなにをするかわからないからだ。 |
Shipments abroad have increased.
The completed product is now shipped. These days,
more than half of production is exported overseas, mainly to the
United States. In Japan, since 14.5 million systems have already
been sold, it is estimated that sales will be led by overseas
Still, 14.5 million systems being sold is uncanny.
Assuming the population of Japan is 120 million people and there
are four people to a family, that equals 30 million households.
Thus, after calculating, one finds that there
is one Family Computer system in every two households in Japan.
There has never been a toy or game in history that has spread
like this.
Inspection of products for the overseas market
is the same. The Game Boy and other systems are put under strenuous
tests for durability, such as being able to withstand blows from
hammers. One never knows what a child may do to their toys. |
Here, the kids playing Mario 3 on the front cover are finally
introduced. Plus, an explanation of Nintendo's distribution method.
いつもやっているのに、スイッチを手にしたとたんに、思わず力がはいって、真剣になってしまった。勝手がちがって、きょうはピーチ姫とは会えなかった。 |
The Family Computer counter of a department
Playing at a TV screen at the Family Computer
counter of Hankyu Department Store in Umeda in Osaka are <snip!>
and her brother <snip!>. They both live in <snip!>.
<snip!> is a fifth-grader and her brother a first-grader
at <snip!> elementary school. They come to Osaka with their
mother once a year to play with their uncle who lives here.
When they come to Osaka, they always stop by
this game counter. Not only is this counter large but there is
also a wide selection of Famicom games. They also own Super Mario
3 at home and play it regularly. Today, the two of them have been
allowed to play on the TV at this counter.
Even though they played this game as they always
do, just as they picked up a switch, they used a little too much
power and concentrated a bit too hard. Their game was off, and
so today they weren't able to rescue Princess Peach. |
Plenty to eat up in these pictures (and no, I don't
mean the kids...): F.A.O. Schwartz's Nintendo section in its prime, two M82
demo systems, Batman, skateboards, fluorescent clothing, freaking ALF!
It really takes one back. If you were an NES gamer back in '89, this is probably
what you looked like. Heck, you might even be one of these kids!
外国では、ゲーム機とソフトをセットで販売する。単体で買うという発想がないからだ。 |
Kids in New York also love the Famicom.
For overseas game software, several kinds of
games are assembled in one cartridge. The game machine is also
larger than Japan's.
The Family Computer is also extremely popular
in New York. In the Nintendo corner on the second floor of a famous
toy shop in New York, a sign reads "Play is limited to 5
minutes per person."
In the three years since the Famicom's release
in the United States, no less than 15 million systems have been
sold. At the famous toy shop F.A.O. Schwartz on New York's 5th
Avenue, sales have the momentum to surpass 20 million units in
1989. If sales continue as predicted, one in ten American citizens
will own a Nintendo system. Truly this is a worldwide phenomenon.
Game machines and cartridges are sold together
in sets in foreign countries. Nobody imagines having to buy them
separately. |
Meanwhile, back in Japan... The same nice old ladies toiled
away on your NESes, only to have those same Super Mario/Duck Hunt cartridges
meet each other again in stacks of a dozen in thrift stores.
NESとは、ニンテンドー・エンタティメント・システムの頭交字だ。つまりアメリカ任天堂が売るゲーム機やソフトの生産と検査を専門にする工場ということだ。需要が飛躍的にのびたため、生産は息をつくひまがないほどのいそがしさだ。 |
NES Manufacturing and Inspection Process
NES is an acronym for Nintendo Entertainment
System. The game machine and games that Nintendo of America sells
have to be produced and inspected in a factory specialized for
them. Since demand has exploded, production lines are so busy
that there is no time to catch one's breath. |
More shipments, this time of NES systems (I think) to North
アメリカをはじめ各国でのソフトの人気は「スーパーマリオブラザーズ」が高く、「ゼルダの伝説」「ドラゴンクエスト」などが、あとにつづく。ソフトの数はいままでに7000万本以上売れた。そのソフトのおおくはこの工場から出荷されたものだ。 |
Shipping to the people of the world
In the United States and each other country,
the popularity of "Super Mario Brothers" is high, followed
by "The Legend of Zelda", "Dragon Quest",
and others. Game sales now number over 70 million. Most of those
games were shipped from this factory. |
Sorry, kids, that's the end of our story. What follows is
instructional information for teachers using this book in their classrooms.
(And any teacher to do so would probably be the awesomest teacher ever.)
(The rest is pedagogical information and so I don't feel like translating it.)
菊地 家達
1 この巻のねらい
2 学習のポイント
3 発展学習のために
ファミコンはコンピューターをつかったゲームですが、いまやコンピューターはゲーム用や計算用につかわれるだけでなく、社会のさまざまな分野で活躍しています。とくに現代は情報化社会といわれ、大量の情報が社会の各面で必要とされています。その情報の記録、保存、伝達などに画期的な威力を発揮しているのがコンピューターなのです。社会のどんなところで実際にコンピューターがつかわれ、そしてそれが人々の生活をどのように変え、支えているかを調べ、まとめてみましょう。 |
Some more tidbits from this final pic are the games in the
display case, some of which are ancient even for that time but don't get discounted
at all: American Dream, Chuka Taisen, Super Mario Bros., Super Mario 3 (\6500),
Dragon Ninja (\5800), Quinty (\4800), Dig-Dug II (\4500), 8 Eye's
(\5800), Ganbare Goemon (\5500), Donkey Kong (\4500), Space Hunter (\4800),
Holy Diver (\5500), Dragon Slayer IV (\4900), Devilman, Family Tennis (\3900),
Urban Champion (\4500), 10-Yard Fight (\4900), Hyper Sports (\4500), Motocross
Champion (\5500), Punch-Out!! (\5800), Family Stadium, and finally (in the
big, expensive boxes) Koei game Genghis Khan, with (\12,200) and without (\9800)
a music CD.
「社会科 はこばれてくるしくみシリーズ」
慶応義塾大学教授 鴫口充輝
嶋口充輝(しまぐら ふつあき)
主要著書に『Marketing Channels in Japan.』(The UMI Research Press. 1979,USA)『戦略的マーケティングの理論』(誠文堂新光社,1984年)など。
村田栄一(むらた えいいち)
1958年、横浜国立大学学芸学部哲学科卒業後、22年間にわたる小学校教師を経て、現在評論家。著書に『戦後教育論』『学級通信・ガリバー』『教育戯術』『教育現場事典』などがある。 |
社会科 はこばれてくるしくみシリーズー11
発 行 者 江口克彦
発 行 所 PHP研究所
東京本部 〒102 東京都千代田区三番町3−10
電話 03(239)6221
京都本部 〒601 京都市南区西九条北ノ内町11
電話 075(681)4431
企画・取材・構成/飯島 博 三好 功 神鞭久美子
担当デスク/佐藤 治
印刷・製本 凸版印刷株式会社
(C)1989 PHP lnstitute Printed in Japan.40P 27cm NDC675
ISBN4-569-58437-3 C8360 P2100E 定価2100円(本体2039円) |