"How Video Games are Made" -- Page 2

The Making of Dragon Quest VI

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Computer graphic design and mapmaking duties are handled by Shintaro Majima.





The Computer Graphic Designer's Work

Maps outlined in the scenario are given to the computer-graphics designer Mr. Shintaro Majima (30 years old). He then transfers the pictures on paper to the television screen.

First the scenario is studied and an idea of the map is decided. Next, the picture elements that will comprise the map are decided upon. For example, when a wall appears in the game, it needs to be decided what kind of wall it is and of what colour. Map building is done by imagining how it will appear on the screen. Details such as how towns and villages will appear, and what shape and colour trees will take all have to be specified.

Once a general idea is formed, the images will be translated to computer through a device called a mouse. Many sections of the wall will be drawn, along with trees, caves, bridges, and more. About 700 such image elements are needed to make up a single screen. As an example, if one were to fill each cell of a piece of graph paper with a circle, triangle, or X, one could build up a single scene just as the game's map is built up from single elements.

For Dragon Quest VI, Mr. Majima draws rocks, etc. by hand while checking their look in combination with other map objects. Depending on each situation, he also gives the objects scary or suspicious looks based on the directions in the scenario. If, after reading the scenario, he cannot build a clear idea of a scene, he takes a trip to a place similar to the one in the scenario.

Mr. Majima's job is to transfer the pictures drawn on paper to the television screen. He builds the drawing while considering the shape and colour of the image on paper.

Where has Mr. Majima travelled to get ideas for this creepy screen?

The battle animation mock-ups are shown. They're quite nice and colourful, as usual, quite in contrast to the DQ series' traditionally dull overhead graphics.





Making Characters Move

The characters drawn by Mr.Toriyama are also being transferred into computer images by Mr. Majima, using the same process as the maps. What differs from the map is that motion has to be given to the characters.

Supposing a character drawn on paper were to be made to walk, how would this be done? Or, when a monster attacks with a weapon, how does it move? Or supposing a character jumps down from someplace, Mr. Majima has to consider its motion -- whether it lands with a thud, or does a flip, etc. He also needs to explain these movements to the programmer, since he will be putting these changes into the game itself.

So, how to give it motion? Mr. Majima is also the choreographer of a dance.

We can see the graphics program that Enix uses for character editing. Looks like it's running on X68000 hardware, if I'm not mistaken.





So then, after the map and characters have been transferred to computer images, how are they combined on-screen?

"Think of one screen as 4 layers of film placed on top of each other behind the glass. The scene of a cave, etc. is drawn on the film at the very back. On the layer in front of that are rocks and walls, and in front of that are rays of light, etc. Characters are then drawn on the fourth layer (nearest to the viewer).".

Moving each layer of film around independently to make an enjoyable game is the work of a person called a programmer.

Even if the movements of a character are large and complicated, they may not suit those who play the game. What's best for the player is making them feel as if they control the movements of the characters directly.

Can you spot the 4 layers of film?

Mr. Majima is building the image of a monster on the monitor (below). Above is the monster as it actually appears on the screen.

More about this graphic designer... who loved home economics...





He Was a Child who Loved Home Economics

Mr. Majima was originally interested in illustration and design. At the age of 20, he was invited to try out a game. With that project, he entered the world of game production.

As a child, his father had work related to the animation of Astro Boy, and discussions at home about the art of animation were common, which is how young Majima became interested in being an illustrator. He now uses the skill he learned as an illustrator with a brush to transfer pictures into animations on the screen, this time with a computer mouse.

In elementary school, he loved home economics so much that he was said to have beaten all the girls in sewing and cooking.

Cars are his hobby. At work, he is always drinking Japanese tea.

Mr. Majima says that having studied illustration has proven very useful when planning the motions of characters.

Characters move energetically around the screen, following the choreography of Mr. Majima.

Manabu Yamana, the programmer, is introduced. The author of this book goes to great lengths to try to explain what a computer programmer does, only to fail in the end. Surely there's some better way to explain that a programmer gives commands to the CPU than with some contorted metaphor about forging a path to school and "defeating the boss" waiting there?


Some storage devices (?) and a Super Famicom dev system (top).

The calendar tells us these photos were taken in February 1995.




The Programmer's Work

The scenario on paper from Mr. Horii, maps and characters from Mr. Majima saved on floppy disk, and the musical score from Mr. Sugiyama converted into computer-based notation, are all finally sent to the workshop of programmer Manabu Yamana (29 years old). It is Mr. Yamana's job to make a fun game out of these assembled parts. His work on Dragon Quest VI has been continuing for two years already.

By the way, just what does it mean to program a video game? It becomes clear when one thinks of programming as choosing a route. There are many ways to walk from your house to school. A dog may live along a certain way and a bridge might be located another way. Since you are the one who decides which way to go, if there is no path, you have to make it yourself.

Unless you know which direction to walk in, and which corners to turn at, you won't be able to reach your school. In addition to that, however, it would be more fun to take a route that has a greater variety of things along it. Mr. Yamana's job is to build routes that have many interesting things happening along them. These routes will lead players to their "schools" in a fun way, and bring them the joy of defeating the last boss that waits for them there.

The combined work of Mr. Horii, Mr. Toriyama, Mr.Sugiyama and Mr. Majima is brought together at this desk.

But then again, there isn't much [positive] to say about a programmer's job in a children's book. Hence the repetition.





The Programmer is the Conductor

If the person who makes an orchestra play is the conductor, then Mr. Yamana's job is similar to a conductor's. The scenario from Mr. Horii, characters from Mr. Toriyama, and computer graphics from Mr. Majima are all interesting in themselves, but if a game is filled with only one of these, the game will not appeal to many people. Each part must be assembled, just like in an orchestra.

A video game cartridge contains devices called ROMs. They have upon them the stored instructions and memory of the game such that when the game machine is switched on, the instructions are read and the game appears on-screen. Just as the space in a single magazine page is limited, the storage space of a ROM is also limited. How to fill that limited space with a truly fun game is what Mr. Yamana has to think about.

Mr. Yamana brings together everybody's work and unifies everything from the motion of the characters to the flow of the game.

Only after Mr. Yamana ties together each of the scenario, characters, music and computer graphics, and writes the game flow, does everything on the screen begin to move.

Ooh, on this page we get a screenshot of some actual game code! It's just a screen setup "sub-sub-routine", though.


More Super Fami dev systems dotted around their office.

And a PlayStation, too!





Computer Language

So then, what kind of language does Mr. Yamana use to convey his ideas to the computer? "English-like words, symbols and numbers," he says, gesturing to the computer screen. "Take a look."

Computer manufacturers write "computer language dictionaries", similar to Japanese dictionaries, aimed at their users. The language used is like English, but it isn't English. In order to tell the computer that a piece of music begins when a certain map appears, the user needs to write this language perfectly in consultation with the dictionary. If Mr. Yamana correctly enters the words into the computer, it will evaluate them and perform exactly as he directed.

Thus, Dragon Quest VI becomes a complete game.

Employees absorbed in the language of computers at Mr. Yamana's workplace. The page on the right shows the "computer dictionary" which Mr. Yamana uses.

It's part English, part symbols, this computer dictionary... And Mr. Yamana can understand it!

The author barely hides his disdain for poor Mr. Yamana's seemingly-programmed lifestyle, but by this point, I agree. Yamana seems a singularly dull individual, what with his advising kids not to have a variety of skills but instead to focus, otaku-like, on a single thing and ride it through for the rest of their lives.

Could this be... a Moogle doll from Enix's then arch-rival, Square?





A Day in the Life of Mr. Yamana

It's totally different from Mr. Toriyama's workplace, isn't it? Since all work is carried out by computer, things like stationery can scarcely be found.

Mr. Yamana gets up at 8:30 am, arrives at work at 10:00, and continues till 7:00 at night. His days off are Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays. Is his life also programmed?

While working he drinks Japanese tea. He says he drinks about 20 cups of tea in one day. To refresh his spirits, he takes a trip about once a month. It doesn't matter where, he says; as long as he can take a monthly trip, he'll feel refreshed. There seems to be a very fixed rhythm to Mr. Yamana's actions.

When he was 12, young Yamana took his new year's gift money to the "electric town", Akihabara, to buy a radio which could receive overseas broadcasts. Displayed next to the radio in the store was a wonderful machine called a computer. While he was looking at it, the salesclerk said, "This machine can also play games." With this utterance, Yamana became absorbed in the world of games.

We asked Mr. Yamana what a schoolchild who wants to make games in the future should study, and he gave this advice: "Having a wide variety of light interests is useless. Choose programming, art, music, scenario-writing, anything, but be good at one of them. Game making is for people who constantly hone their interest. Even when studying at school, kids who try to be better than anyone else at their one subject are the ones who make fun games."

The DQ team gets together at Enix and evaluates the game over... coffee? Tea? Coffee-flavoured milk? Why didn't the author inquire?


The same EPROM board as before?

This is either the larger-style EPROM cartridge, or some kind of special ROM emulator/copier...

One of their map/graphics editing programs.





Work Continues at Enix

The Dragon Quest series is published and sold by Enix, Inc. Enix decides what kind of game will be made, then makes a concrete plan, assembles the staff for it, manages its development, and then sells the finished game. In this company is a section called the "product planning headquarters, software planning department, DQ division", where the Dragon Quest series is made, of course.

In meetings twice a week, Mr. Horii, Mr. Majima, and Mr. Yamana's team of programmers make adjustments to Dragon Quest VI's plan and report on their current progress. As each of them makes changes, and if the game is at a sufficient level to be played, everyone tries the game out together and discusses what things can be added to it to make the game more fun. Everyone in the division evaluates the game like this.

Dragon Quest VI is soon due to be finished in the summer of 1995. The DQ division also makes decisions about the game's advertising schedule and contents in various magazines as its release date approaches. And in order to ensure that the greatest number of people can enjoy the game, the division, importantly, chooses a suitable number of copies to manufacture.

Mr. Horii, Mr. Majima, Mr. Yamana, and the staff of Enix get together for regular meetings.

Everyone works, tests, and collaborates together to bring the game to completion.

Again, here's the game-distribution system in Japan, with Nintendo, the ever-smiling overlords, getting their take of the profits for having manufactured ROMs and plastic packaging...




原画(鳥山 明)
シナリオ(堀井 雄二)
CGデザイン (眞島 真太郎など)
プログラム (山名 学など)
株式会社 任天堂

From Production to Release

The scenario from Mr. Horii, original pictures from Mr. Toriyama, computer graphics from Mr. Majima, and music from Mr. Sugiyama are all sent to the programmer, Mr. Yamana, who builds them into a game.

The DQ division of Enix confirms whether the game works perfectly, and if it does, sends a request to Nintendo Co., Ltd. in Kyoto to manufacture the game.

The completed Dragon Quest VI is sent by Enix to toystores, department stores, etc. all over the country through primary wholesalers and secondary wholesalers.

Original pictures (Akira Toriyama)
Scenario (Yuji Horii)
Music (Kouichi Sugiyama)
CG design (Shintaro Majima etc.)
Program (Manabu Yamana etc.)
Product check
Program ROM
Master ROM
Nintendo Co., Ltd.
Primary wholesaler
Secondary wholesaler
Secondary wholesaler
Toy store
Department store

The orderly, clean line at the store must be for some 32X game, 'cause it sure wasn't like this for any of the Dragon Quest releases.





Japan's New Industry

Until now, Japan's main industries were the sales and service industry, telephone communications & television broadcasting, agriculture and fisheries, manufacturing, and logistics.

However, video games have been a hit, systems and games selling not just domestically but being exported to the world. Games have become not just "a child's toy" but one of Japan's thriving industries.

Although you have seen the process with which a game is made, hopefully you have also understood that scenarios, original pictures, music, computer graphics, and programs come from man's ideas and inspiration, coupled with the specialized techniques required by each to make a finished product.

This process is called the software industry (or information industry). The industry is successful because it keeps advancing by gathering new knowledge (information) required to make products, such as games.

Words are things that anybody can speak and write. But not just anyone can put their words into stories that can move the feelings of others. You can learn about computers if you study them, but you still cannot easily make a game which people can enjoy. Even in music there is a difference in skill between being able to read sheet music, and being able to compose great music

Everyone in the software industry developed their knowledge by thinking by themselves and gaining new techniques by themselves. The knowledge needed to make a product is not written down in either a textbook or a reference book. Thus, everybody's individuality is valuable.

Software development became an industry, and from this came products, of which the Dragon Quest series is a perfect example.


監修者/前野 和久(まえの・かずひさ)

著者/飯島 博(いいじま・ひろし)

表紙デザイン 田木 信
イラスト   和地 あつを
取材協力   株式会社エニックス
取材・編集  飯島 博
       三好 功

調べ学習にやくだつ わたしたちの生活と産業−I

発 行 1995年4月 第1刷(C)

著 者 飯島 博
発行者 田中 治夫
編 集 飯田 建

発行所 株式会社 ポプラ社
    〒160 東京都新宿区須賀町5
    電話 (営業)03-3357-2211
      FAX 03-3924-5341
      振替 00140-3-149271
印刷・製本 凸版印刷株式会社

ISBN4-591-04742-3  N.D.C.007/47P/27cm

調べ学習にやくだつ わたしたちの生活と産業



A米をつくる      (庄内平野の米づくり)
B水産業ではたらく   (長崎漁港の漁業)
C伝統的な技術をいかす (備前焼をつくる)
D自動車をつくる    (豊田市の自動車工業)
Eトラックではこぶ   (宅配便とピーマンの旅)
F食品を輸入する    (エビと牛肉の輸入)
Gテレビ番組をつくる  (NHK・朝のニュース番組)
H飲み物をつくる    (ジュースとビール)
ITVゲームをつくる  (ドラクエYができるまで)

Another snapshot of kids being told by the photographer to "point and look amazed by the game." More detached sullenness by the teenager actually playing the game.

That's all! I hope you have enjoyed another pictorial guide through picture books and the 1990s gaming industry!

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e-Mail Chris: chris_covell@yahoo.ca