Here's a short release list that I compiled from several Japanese magazines documenting some PC-Engine games that went unreleased, or went through some sort of change before being released. Since I don't have many PCE magazines after 1992, I've just concentrated on the years of 1990-1991, a very exciting and explosive time in the PC-Engine's life.
The months represent the status of games mentioned in the "release date undecided" sections of the magazines in those respective months. Fate? means the eventual fate of the game, as far as I know. A blank box means the game was not mentioned in that issue, and an equals sign means it had an identical listing to an earlier mention. If there are any errors, please let me know!
Jan-Mar. 1990 |
Jul. 1990 |
Jan. 1991 |
May-Jun. 1991 |
Oct. 1991 |
Fate? |
Maker |
Wardner no Mori | (CD) | = | = | = | cancelled | NEC Avenue |
3D Golf | ? | NEC Avenue | ||||
Rainbow Islands (CD) | = | = | = | released mid-1993! | NEC Avenue | |
Meikyuu Jima (Kickle Cubicle) | = | Meikyuu Jima Special "3/'91 Release" | = | cancelled | IREM | |
Momotarou Densetsu III | cancelled? released as Momotarou Densetsu Gaiden? | Hudson | ||||
Yuurei Kimi (The Ghost) | ? | Ask Kodansha | ||||
Strider Hiryu (SG) | = | (PC/SG bi-compatible) | = | = | made the transition from SG->PCE Hu->CD. Released on ACD in 1994. | NEC Avenue |
Omega Fighter | = | ? | UPL | |||
Blade Land | = | ? | Nihon Soft Hanbai | |||
Time Cruise [very different from 'II'] | = | = | cancelled/evolved into Time Cruise II | released as Time Cruise II | FACE | |
Space Fantasy Zone | (CD) | = | = | = | cancelled | NEC Avenue |
Forgotten Worlds (Card) | = | = | (CD)2M | released on SCD | NEC Avenue | |
Hellfire (Card, CD) | = | Hellfire S (CD) (Released 4/12) | released on CD | NEC Avenue | ||
Horror Story (CD) | = | = | = | released | NEC Avenue | |
Doraemon 2 | = | Doraemon: Nobita no Dorabian Night (?) | released on Card and CD | Hudson | ||
Galaxy Force (Card) | = | = | Galaxy Force II | cancelled | NEC Avenue | |
Splendid Saga | = | = | cancelled | NCS | ||
Dasshutsu (Escape) | released as Die Hard? | Nihon Bussan | ||||
Chameleon Eyes: Mitsubayashi no Meikyuu (Maze of the Secret Grove) | Circus Lido (Released 4/6) | released | Uni Post | |||
Meiyaku no Teigi (Definition of a Pledge) | = | = | ? | Human | ||
A game planned by Mr. MTJ (Title TBA) | Magical Puzzle Popils | = | cancelled | Tengen | ||
Marble Madness | = | = | cancelled | Tengen | ||
Peter Pack-Rat | = | = | cancelled | Tengen | ||
Dirty Dirty | ? | Hudson | ||||
Survival Runner | cancelled | Home Data | ||||
Crying Dragon | cancelled | Asmik | ||||
Golf | cancelled | Intec | ||||
Dragon Breed | = | cancelled | IREM | |||
Zero Wing (Card) | (CD) | released on CD | Naxat | |||
Madou Senshi ("Evil Guide" Fighter) / Seirei Senshi [same surtitle as Spriggan] (Card) | cancelled | Naxat | ||||
Chiki Chiki Grand Prix | cancelled | Hudson | ||||
TV Sports Baseball | = | cancelled | Victor | |||
F-1 Circus International (CD) | released as F-1 Circus Special? | Nihon Bussan | ||||
Bonanza Brothers (Card) |
= | released on SCD | NEC Avenue | |||
Gain Ground (Card) | = | released on SCD | NEC Avenue | |||
Super Cluster "10/91 Release" | released as Spiral Wave? | Media Rings | ||||
Branders | ? | IGS | ||||
Hunter | ? | Intec | ||||
Cocoron | cancelled | Sur de Wave | ||||
Chuka Taisen 2 | released as Gokuraku Chuka Taisen | Taito | ||||
Mummy Head | ? | Taito | ||||
Laugh of God | released as God Panic | Teichiku | ||||
Dino Force | cancelled | Uni Post | ||||
Title TBA (Shooting) | released as Terraforming? | Right Stuff |
It may be interesting to some that besides the released Darius Plus, three other PCE games had originally been programmed/intended as PC-Engine/SuperGrafx bi-compatible: Daisenpu, Out Run, and Forgotten Worlds (info taken from a Famitsu issue.)
A big scoop on SuperGrafx Strider! Arcade Strider too!
Arcade Final |
Arcade Beta |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
put, photos of SGX Strider never existed! |
The pictures above and below come from several sources, including PCE and Famicom magazines. Several of them claimed that the screenshots that went along with the articles for SuperGrafx Strider were from the arcade version, but they seemed too different from the released arcade game to be plausible. Then, while looking through an October 1988 issue of Marukatsu Famicom (see here), I found an article on the (similarly) unreleased Famicom Strider game, and it also had a couple of preview screens of arcade Strider, which would be released the following year. These AC preview screenshots were obviously arcade beta pics because, not least, of the different gradient life bar compared to the flat green life bar of the arcade final.
At least this puts to rest the screenshot debate: If a magazine uses pictures of Strider that mysteriously has an orange gradient lifebar, they are using stock photos from the Beta Arcade Version.
This means that we are quite without photographic proof of a SGX Strider game once again.
I've translated some text and captions from three PC-Engine magazines
that did reports on Strider for the SuperGrafx. The articles were posted on
this forum page: Lost
Levels Online
The pictures below come from this Strider fansite:
Here is what I make of it all:
Games magazines can't be trusted to keep their information straight, so let's
take it all with a grain of salt.
SG Strider was announced at the same time as the SGX's announcement in 1989. At any rate, NEC Avenue had a license for it and Daimakaimura, and began some sort of development on both titles. I don't think magazines saw SG Strider in action because the writer of the Sept. 1990 article was speculating on how feasible the conversion would be, and wrote his hopes for smooth, fast animation.
In January 1991, the shocking announcement is made that Strider will be a PCE/SG bi-compatible game, like Darius Plus was. This obviously shows NEC Ave's lack of confidence in the SGX, and thus the SGX-only version is killed off.
Then in Sept. 1991, Strider still stands at just 20% completed. The article writer describes how Strider will play differently when on a regular PC-Engine or on a SuperGrafx. This could be speculation (drawing from experience with Darius Plus), a first-hand witness, or (more likely?) quoting from NEC Avenue's press releases.
And here is the original Japanese text:
[From Sept. 90 issue]
大魔界村でグラフィックの再現率のよさを実証済み。やっぱりつぎはこれしかないよね。 発売日未定 とんでもないアクション ↑飛竜の動きがこのゲームの最大のウリ ←こんな斜面まで登場する多彩なアクション 背景も負けてない このゲームは、アクションに対する動画の流れに加え、背景の美しさが魅力。そのエキゾチックな背景は、今でも熱狂的なファンを持つ。SGならば、BG2画面という特性をいかし、こうした美しい背景をそっくり移植することが可能だ。ただし、クオリティの高い画面が大量のメモリを食うというのを覚悟しなければならない。 →こんな背景下で戦う →塔の上まで登れる始末 ←そして塔の上での対決。登ったり飛んだり跳ねたり回転したりと多彩きわまりないアクション *このページの画面は業務用のものです。 |
[From Jan. 91 issue]
スーパーグラフィックス発表と同時に専用ソフトとしての制作が発表された「ストライダー飛竜」が、PC/SG両対応に変更された。PCエンジンユーザーにとっては朗報が、スーパーグラフィックスユーザーにとっては心中穏やかならぬものがあるのではないだろうか。これでNECアベニューの制作予定でスーパーグラフィックス専用というライナップはなくなる。しかしもちろん、スーパーグラフィックスならばよりクオリティの高いプレイができる両対応という形でサポードしていくとのこと。ちなみに「ストライダー飛竜」は数少ないHuカードソフトで、8メガの予定だ。 ↑これは業務用の「ストライダー飛竜」の画面。両対応になった。 |
[From Sept. 91 issue]
派手なアクションとテンポのよいゲーム展開で多くのファンを持つ「ストライダー飛竜」。主人公の飛竜の動きは細かく、自分の思った通りに動かせるのがこのゲームの魅力だ。PCエンジン版はキャラクタが多少小さくなるが、業務用からの完全移植になる。またSGではPCエンジンに比べ、ちらつきが少なくなる。ステージクリアのデモもそのまま再現される予定だ。開発は遅れぎみで、発売はやはり来年になってしまう。 現在の開発状況20% ↑ごりら形ロボットに向かっていく飛竜。こんな奴敵じゃないっスよ! ↑いろいろな仕掛けに飛竜の派手なアクション。これがこのゲームの魅力だ。 |